Thursday, 10 September 2009


first day of my fast and i have had 0 calories! 1 cup of green tea and shit loads of water. its 10.30 now and my belly is rumbling =/ i'm not gna have anything, i can't, not now! hopefully the hungry would have past by the morning, and i will complete another day of my fast. im not gna lie i find it soo hard. when everyone else is eating at lunch at school, i just sit there slipping my water but i did it so i can do it again & again, [hopefully] i will weigh myself at the end of my fast, im not really sure when that will be cuz i dono how long i can last :L well just a short post im sooo tired. n-nightt good luck with what ever your doing : )

ohh and i did 70 it upsearlier, i was ment to do 100 so im gna do another 30 now, then bed lol

stay strong girls, love elle ♥


  1. nice work on the fast!! keep up the skinnY!

  2. good job fasting!! you got this=]
    stayy strong!
